Program Management

Financial Services companies that undertake Salesforce digital transformation initiatives often struggle with establishing a fit-for-purpose Program Management Office (PMO) to oversee system implementations, change management initiatives, and ongoing support of the platform. Without the in-house expertise to build and maintain a strategic Salesforce Program Management model, they:

  • Exceed project scope and corresponding budgets
  • Hire too many team members and/or resources with the wrong skill-sets
  • Encounter End-User system adoption issues that make it difficult to see the ROI in their technology investments

Managing an effective Salesforce Program for your organization requires:

  • A deep understanding of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) & Project Management methodologies (Waterfall, Agile, Extreme Programming, etc.)
  • The right tools for managing projects, system enhancement requests, and new features releases
  • Effective and streamlined change management processes & procedures

How we help:

  • Providing you with decades of experience in PMO strategies & best practices
  • Practical approaches to Project Management & Change Management
  • Collaborating with you to develop an effective Sales & Marketing technology operating model that aligns Business & IT
  • Developing budgets and related resource allocation plans that are aligned to your near and long term goals & objectives